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Juggalo Gang- Loveland police give rundown on gangs; 300 residents attend forum April 7, 2010

Posted by landofthebanned in Uncategorized.
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Report Herald has the juggalo gang right on the money


One group known for violence in other cities, although it is not a recognized gang in Colorado, are juggalos, or fans of hip-hop duo Insane Clown Posse.

Although most fans of the music group don’t turn violent or become criminals, some juggalos have crossed the line and committed murders and other crimes mirroring the violent lyrics, police said.

Not everyone who wears red or blue or who listens to Insane Clown Posse is a gang member.

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But gang members associated with those signs are committing crimes. Therefore, such clothing and tattoos are red flags that police look for.

Some Comments from concerned residents here

The article states that the Juggalos are “One group known for vilence in other cities …” It is right here in Loveland. The stabbing at N.Lake Park last summer was done by a Juggalo. Wake up Loveland – they are here and are violent! I think CO and other states should do as AZ and legally classify them as a gang. The news is full of killings by these gang members – do a search for yourself.

Doc, from the article, “Not everyone who wears red or blue or who listens to Insane Clown Posse is a gang member.” I was at the meeting and they made this very clear. However, they also stated that if your kids/grandkids, etc DO listen to ICP, they should be observed carefully, just to make sure they are fans of the band/music, and not crossing the line like some “juggalos” do and start acting out some of the very violent lyrics. BTW: Utah and Arizona DO legally classify Juggalos (fans of ICP) to be gang members.
It was a great meeting and I hope they will repeat this annually. If you missed it and are interested, the PD stated they’d be happy to make their presentation to your community/homeowners group, church, etc.


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